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Life at Parachute

Meet Jessica Schramm, Parachute’s In-House Photographer

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Jessica, Jess for short around the office, is Parachute’s resident photographer and bringer of life of all of our beautiful and striking visuals – from social media to site and store – if you’ve seen our photos and videos, you’ve seen her work. We keep her very busy! Around here, Jess is known for her warm and collaborative spirit, outside of the office, she continues those traits as the host, the chef, the gatherer of people. With four years under her belt at Parachute, she’s a true veteran, so we sat down to get her perspective on all things life and linens.

Tell us about where you grew up

I grew up in a small town about an hour north of Atlanta, GA. We lived on a hobby farm of sorts -- with horses and a rotating cast of other farm animals and pets. It was pretty idyllic in some ways, with a creek on the property and lots of room to explore and play. In the summer, my sister and I would lay beach towels over the backs of our horses and sunbathe as they grazed around the pasture. I also spent plenty of time in the city with my grandparents, so I feel like I got the best of both worlds.   

How would your closest friends describe you?

I think (hope!) they’d say I was loyal, empathetic, creative and would probably mention my love for hosting. Cooking for loved ones is my favorite pastime. I love hosting dinner parties, or coming over and making a mess out of someone else’s kitchen! But either way, I’ll find any excuse to turn mealtime into a special gathering. 

Tell us about how you spend your days at Parachute

I’m usually on set. I shoot everything for Parachute - from product on white, to product in studio, to editorial campaigns. If not on set, I work closely with my wonderful creative team to come up with campaign concepts, or with our freelance retouchers and editors to make sure all of our post-production is running smoothly. 

What's a project you’ve loved working on at Parachute?

I feel like each quarterly campaign we shoot replaces the last as my favorite project. I love to continue to come up with new ideas and visual execution styles. Last year’s holiday campaign was particularly fun for me because we experimented with a slightly different aesthetic -- using on-camera and digital filters to give the whole thing a subtly vintage and film-like quality.

What’s your favorite parachute product?

The Brushed Cotton Sheets and Pillowcases. They are soooo buttery soft and cozy. 

What’s one word that comes to mind when you think of the Parachute team?

Collaborative. I really do feel like Parachute is just such an open and inclusive place to work. It’s the first place I’ve worked where it truly feels like we’re all working together toward a common goal. 

What’s the best advice or feedback you’ve received in your life or career?

Never be afraid to ask a question -- for help, for something you want or feel you deserve. Asking questions or for help only better equips you with what you need to succeed, and if you don’t ask for what you want then you can’t expect to get it! 

Cups in the cupboard…right side up or upside down?

Right side up, but honestly haven’t given too much thought to the matter.

Pineapple on pizza?

Sure! Especially if paired with ham and jalapeno.