Design enthusiast and blogger Jessica Brigham lives with her partner Christopher, their rescue pup and two cats in New Haven, Connecticut. Their 1934 craftsman bungalow is an ode to her creative, DIY spirit and adoration of green – in all forms. Take a peek inside...
On going green:Better oxygen – slightly kidding, but I really do believe we have the best interior air in the neighborhood. As a design element, having a medley of houseplants makes the colder seasons in the Northeast feel more cozy and lively. And I've had a green thumb for as long as I can remember. I now refer to myself as a hoarderculturalist – the bungalow houses about 70 plants.
On going green:Better oxygen – slightly kidding, but I really do believe we have the best interior air in the neighborhood. As a design element, having a medley of houseplants makes the colder seasons in the Northeast feel more cozy and lively. And I've had a green thumb for as long as I can remember. I now refer to myself as a hoarderculturalist – the bungalow houses about 70 plants.
On finding your style:My home features a mixture of bold colors, patterns and treasured vintage pieces. I find inspiration from the art deco movement and have learned to take risks whether it's a piece of furniture, a paint color, or a vintage floor lamp. It all comes together in the end.
On choosing comfort:While it's no fun living in a museum, I believe it's totally possible to live 'magazine ready for life,' in a well-lived in and cozy space by being thoughtful about your design choices. I want our home to be comfortable – a place where guests stay too long and nothing is too precious.

On favorite plants:Cacti, pothos, philodendron, bird of paradise, sago palm, snake plant and pilea are all fairly low maintenance and effortlessly breathe life into a space.

On entertaining:I've always loved to entertain. When hosting, I'll always choose an intimate happy hour with red wine and charcuterie first. For overnight guests, we make sure to stock each bedroom with fresh towels, good reads, the wifi password and a mini bar for a nightcap. Owning my own B&B is on my bucket list!

On your favorite part of the home:The Craftsman charm, vintage finds and flow. Older homes can be a little perplexing when it comes to layout. Our craftsman home is quaint and compartmentalized – resulting in quite a few cased openings, windows, doorways and alcoves. I’ve tried to enhance the layout with meticulous furniture and decor selections. Utilizing our high ceilings and building out each nook and cranny with shelving makes the space feel much bigger, too.

On removable wallpaper:Wallpaper is a no brainer for me. It's an easy, affordable and playful way to transform a space. Removable wallpaper, specifically, is a gift from the design gods. It's reassuring to know when I grow tired of my wallpaper choices, I can do an easy a style update.

Thank you, Jessica!